Signs of Tree Disease You Should Never Ignore

Posted on: 21 January 2022

Do you love the trees that add beauty to your garden? As one of nature's most useful and beautiful features, trees can bring a lot to your property's aesthetic. Unfortunately, they can also wreak havoc if you don't take care of their health. The good news is, you don't need extensive knowledge of trees to recognise some of the earlier signs of the disease. Here are a few to look out for.

Twigs and Branches Everywhere

If you start to notice a lot of twigs and branches around one tree, it may be a sign that it's dying. Usually, twigs are bendy and they're not easy to break. Some forms of tree disease make twigs brittle to the point that they collapse under small amounts of pressure. This is often a sign that twig girdlers are chewing away at the branches. As small beetles that lay their eggs around the same time they chew off twigs, girdlers can prevent fruit and nut trees from yielding a lot of produce the following year. If you depend on your tree for fruit or like the way the nuts bring nature to your garden, it's best to ask an expert to inspect it.

Signs of Rot and Fungus

Signs of rot and fungus are almost always bad news for trees. They can include white spots, brown areas of decay, and parts of the tree that became soft and spongy where they wouldn't usually feel that way. The areas of your tree that are rotting will weaken and become vulnerable to breakage. When this affects large parts of the tree, it could mean that the branches pose a risk to both people and pets. If it affects the roots, a large tree could pose a risk to your property. In such cases, tree removal is sometimes necessary. However, removing the tree could keep the rest of your garden and property safe. 

A Tree That Starts to Lean

Is your usually upright tree starting to lean in one direction? If it does this but it otherwise is healthy, it may be a sign that some form of disease is affecting the roots. When this is the case, an arborist may be able to brace the tree while they apply an appropriate treatment. In severe cases, however, they'll need to remove the tree. Usually, by the time you spot a tree leaning, it is already suffering from an injury or disease that's hard to remedy. 

Contact a tree removal service, such as True Blue Tree and Stump Removal, to learn more.
